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About the Terasem Movement Foundation Inc.

What is the Terasem Movement Foundation (TMF)?
What is TMF’s Mission?
What does “geoethical” mean?
What is “nanotechnology?”
Why was the Terasem Movement Foundation created?
Who funds the Terasem Movement Foundation?
What are some of the projects in which the Terasem Movement Foundation is currently involved?


What is the Terasem Movement Foundation (TMF)?


The Terasem Movement Foundation Inc. is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit private operating foundation which was founded in 2004 and is based in Vermont, USA.

Terasem Movement Foundation’s HQ in Vermont.  It is 100% powered by the solar panels & 100% heated/cooled by geothermal loop under pond, also powered by PV.  Thus, Net Zero. TMF safekeeps mindfiles and biofiles of lifenauts for future revitalization in accordance with their consents and technology advancements, while also spreading the good word that software people are people too — not having a body makes you differently abled, not sub-human.

TMF also encourages work on cyber-consciousness via Bina48 tweets (@iBina48), FB posts and HIRL at various confabs, plus the movie “2B” (

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What is TMF’s Mission?


Our mission is to promote the geoethical (world ethical) use of nanotechnology for human life extension. We conduct educational programs and support scientific research and development in the areas of cryogenics, biotechnology, and cyber consciousness.

What does “geoethical” mean?


“Geoethical” means widely agreed-upon principles for guiding the application of curative technologies that can have a general environmental (including people) impact, much like bioethical principles (autonomy, beneficence, nonfeasance, justice) guide the application of curative technologies that specifically impact one or more patients. Nanotechnology raises geoethical issues because the nanomedical treatment of individuals may have a wide socio-environmental impact.


What is “nanotechnology?”


Nanotechnology the branch of technology that deals with dimensions and tolerances of less than 100 nanometers, especially the manipulation of individual atoms and molecules. A nanometer is one billionth of a meter. Nanotechnology cuts across many disciplines, including colloidal science, chemistry, applied physics, and biology. It could variously be seen as an extension of existing sciences into the nanoscale, or as a recasting of existing sciences using a newer, more modern term.source: Oxford American Dictionary and


Why was the Terasem Movement Foundation created?


The founders of Terasem are concerned that the potential of nanotechnology and related cyber consciousness for relieving human suffering and extending human life would be truncated due to unwarranted fears and concerns. The founders are also concerned, however, that nanotechnology and cyber consciousness could be made available only to an elite, or in a manner that creates class divisions within society. The founders believe that nanotechnology and cyber consciousness needs to be developed consistently with full respect for diversity and unity so that the potential for greatly extending human life and relieving human suffering can be realized.

Who funds the Terasem Movement Foundation?


Terasem is funded with an endowment from its founders. Terasem does not seek or solicit outside financial contributions. It is managed by a professional staff and a volunteer board of directors with advice from experts in the fields of nanotechnology and cyber-consciousness.

What are some of the projects in which the Terasem Movement Foundation is currently involved?


  1. is an online networking and personal data storage service designed to test the hypothesis that conscious analogs of people can be brought to life based on sufficiently detailed mindfile data. Lifenaut enables people to store and share information such as text, files, images, photos, video, sounds, musical works, works of authorship, and other materials
  2. LifeNaut Mindfile Program: Upload biographical pictures, videos, and documents to a digital archive that will be preserved for generations.Organize through geo mapping, timelines, and tagging, a rich portrait of information about you. The places you’ve been and the people you’ve met can be stored.Create a computer-based avatar to interact and respond with your attitudes, values, mannerisms and beliefs.Connect with other people who are interested in exploring the future of technology and how it can enhance the quality of our lives.
  3. Lifenaut: Bio File Program: Store your cells alive, with their biological clocks stopped for an indefinite amount of time1. Sign up for the LifeNaut BioFile Project. There is no charge, however we greatly appreciate your tax- deductible donations 2. We send you a bottle of mouthwash and a collection tube 3. You gargle the mouthwash, then send it to us. We collect the live cells from your sample and store them at liquid nitrogen temperature (-190° C) for an indefinite period of time. 4. After you have been declared legally biologically passed, future technology may be able to grow you a new body via ectogenesis and your mindfile may be able to be downloaded into it, enabling you to live on indefinitely.
  4. Beme Recordings: Description: Using available technology for capturing “bemes”. A beme is the smallest unit of a person’s consciousness or uniqueness. Current Beme recordings are being made using hi definition video and audio technology with a trained interviewer. In the future Beme Interview technology will be integrated within
  5. Feature Film: Sci Fi Thriller Film: “2B” (2009) The Era of Flesh is Over. In 2009, Terasem Media and Films completed a feature length Sci Fi thriller called “2B:The Era Flesh is Over” which had its International Premiere at the “Fantastic Planet Festival” Sydney, Australia and its US Premiere at the “Woodstock International Film Festival”. The film explores society’s reaction to the first “hybrid nano-bio tech” human.Synopsis:New York, soon….Technology’s exponential growth is fast and furious. Human life is in the pro- cess of being transformed. Mankind stands on the verge of re-engineering its biology—merging with the incredibly intelligent machines it has created. Mia 2.0, the world’s first ‘Transbeman’ and her inventor, the eccentric Dr. Tom Mortlake, conduct a bold political experiment designed to prove that human reliance on the fragile flesh body is over and ‘eternal life‘ is at hand.View the trailer, rent the movie or download it for sale the Official  Website: